TIER2 (“Enhancing Trust, Integrity and Efficiency in Research through next-level Reproducibility”) is a project funded within the Horizon Europe programme bringing together ten partners from seven European countries and led by the ORRG. Starting in the beginning of 2023 and continuing until the end of 2025, TIER2 will systematically investigate reproducibility across different contexts, bridge knowledge gaps, engage communities in the creation of tools, implement interventions and policy, and more.
On the 1st and 2nd of February, the consortium met at the hybrid kick-off event at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and online. Project Coordinator Dr. Tony Ross-Hellauer gave an introductory presentation for the project, which was recorded and can be watched here. Over the course of the two days all work packages, their objectives, timelines, tasks and open discussion points were presented, followed by lively discussions and more in-depth planning. The event also offered the opportunity to get to know each other and connect with like-minded colleagues.
Since the kick-off meeting a lot of work has been set into motion. To stay up-to-date with the TIER2, the main project page can be found here. All the slides from the kick-off meeting have also been made openly available on the page and more material will be published in the future.
ORRG Project Contact: Tony Ross-Hellauer